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ISBN: 140936397X
From first economic principles to the financial crisisThe Rough Guide to Economics takes you through the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 and its resulting global problems and explores economics right from its foundations to the present day.Issues caused by the recent financial crisis continue to dominate news across the world and if you want to gain a clear understanding of how economics are central to your world, the Rough Guide to Economics is the ideal no-nonsense guide for you. It explains everything you need to know about monetary policy, inflation, international trade and all the major topics within economics. With the election not too far off it also provides clear-cut information on government tax and spending decisions. You'll discover how economics can illuminate topics as diverse as globalization and development, climate change, and poverty. You'll even be able to see the relevance of economics to topics closer to home such as friendship, smoking and K-pop, and how findings from psychology have influenced economic thinking. Whether you want to learn about economics for work or studies, need a handy reference, or want a clear understanding of the effect of economics on your world, the Rough Guide to Economics is the book for you, with no knowledge of mathematics required.
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